“I needed a coach, a critic, a webmaster, a story-teller, an extraordinary designer, a savvy businesswoman, and a kind of cheerleader to cull the idea out of me.“
–Sarah Howard Joost, Tails + Tales Art
Sarah Howard Joost is an artist to her core. She loves to create and has a style and process all her own. She has developed an image transfer process that involves the use of vintage papers, images, paint, and chalk pastels on wood panels that is quite unique and beautiful. She weaves story into her projects in whimsical ways, and did I mention she loves animals!
When she stepped into my design studio where I was hard at work mid-pandemic, she was curious. An open door? So she walked in. We hit it off instantly and decided to work together on a project that had been floating around in her head for quite some time. She needed help materializing a business out of her passion and love for animals.
She had started using her image transfer process to create unique custom PET PORTRAITS for friends and family and had run out of people to gift them to. She wanted to turn this passion project into a lucrative business. After digging a little deeper I learned her drive was coming from the actual connection and magic between pet owners that occurs when out on walks in the neighborhood. She wanted to collaborate with other pet owners in her community to create a beautiful tribute to their pets. Her love for animals and her desire to connect (remember, this is pandemic time) with other like-minded people led us to take her idea one step further.
She would tell the story behind the love between humans and pets with each project. On top of that she decided to donate a portion of proceeds from each project to the San Francisco Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA)… so together, with her clients, she sparks magic and spreads love by helping animals in need and connecting with neighbors in a genuine way while creating beautiful art made with pure love and joy.
Check out her website and spread love by starting a project for your favorite furry friend! Visit TAILS + TALES now to get started!

To paraphrase Elizabeth Gilbert in her book “Big Magic,” ideas are like living entities. They float around looking for human collaborators. If you are not it, they float away till someone else finds them. Once the idea for Tails + Tales began to formulate during our Plant + Prune session, I think I physically gasped. The formulation of the idea was so purely me I was shocked… I knew there was no turning back.
I needed a coach, a critic, a webmaster, a story-teller, an extraordinary designer, a savvy businesswoman, and a kind of cheerleader to cull the idea out of me. I still cannot believe I met you!
You helped me realize that my art is not for everyone but magic and amazing for some and that is the confidence I needed to move forward.