ARTdeezine, Branding + Marketing Design, San Francisco

Welcome to the Tool Shed!


with clarity and intention

Take advantage our our free step-by-step instructions, video tutorials, fill in the blank worksheets and checklists to help you makeover your current brand OR build a meaningful brand with ease from the ground up.

Connect with Your Dream Client Through the Magic of Story

Connect with Your Dream Client Through the Magic of Story

Stories evoke emotion and motivate us to take action. Stories are central to the human experience. Stories entertain us, teach us, motivate us... Stories evoke emotion.  Using story to connect to your dream customer or client eliminates the need to...

Craft a Simple Yet Highly Effective 10-Second Elevator Pitch

Craft a Simple Yet Highly Effective 10-Second Elevator Pitch

FEEL THE MAGIC OF THE 10-SECOND ELEVATOR PITCH NEXT TIME SOMEONE ASKS YOU WHAT YOU DO Someone asks you what you do. Have the perfect answer in your back pocket at all times. This simple exercise will walk you through our simple 5-STEP PROCESS for...

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The deeper the roots, the greater the fruits.