Our BRANDING DESIGN INTENSIVE is for creative businesses that need a cohesive, meaningful brand built from the ground up or a brand transformation quickly and don’t have the time to wait 6+ months to start selling. HARVEST executes your PLANT + PRUNE plan providing everything you need to up your business game… quickly.
Do you believe you deserve to live a balanced life full of success doing what you love?
Do you have a business idea you dream about starting? Are you unclear about how to get it off the ground and aren’t sure how to start?
Or are you already in business but struggle with INCONSISTENT REVENUE? Are you frustrated with all the HATS you’re forced to wear causing you to lose focus on what’s really important, serving your customers?
You know you need a selling system but you’re not “good at sales” and you’re not a graphic designer, web developer or copywriter and you haven’t been able to afford to hire a team to build a branding and marketing system for you. If this sounds about right, then HARVEST™ is just what the business coach ordered. Here’s why…
If you are passionate about what you do and still struggle in your business, you’re probably a victim of “TOO MANY HATS OVERWHELM”. TOO MANY HATS OVERWHELM has been killing businesses in record numbers for decades and defeating business owners and wiping out the passion and excitement they started with. According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics: about 20% fail in their first year, and about 50% of small businesses fail in their fifth year. It’s a sad reality.
- Most small business owners are not, designers, writers, or branding and marketing experts and don’t want to be
They waste a ton of time trying to learn new programs, apps, platforms
They don’t really understand their customers
They don’t really know what their customers want or how to get their attention
Their brand is haphazard and, not cohesive
Their marketing efforts are inconsistent and lack strategy
Most small business owners can’t afford to hire a professional team to set it all up for them ($50K-$200K or more)
It’s time to stop spinning your wheels, putting more on your plate trying every trick in the book. It’s time to focus your energy doing what you do best and doing what you love. If you just keep doing what you’ve been doing, you’ll never get your business off the ground, you’ll struggle, be stressed and broke all the time, or have to go back to working a 9-5 job you don’t love. You should love what you do and get paid well so that you can avoid burnout and enjoy what matters most in life.
Here’s our story: We were a graphic design company specializing in branding and marketing for local small businesses in the San Francisco Bay Area for 14+ years but we were a service provider, a jack of all trades, busy with one-off branding and marketing design projects for entrepreneurs ranging from artists to designers, contractors, restaurant owners, winemakers, florists, wellness coaches, consultants, the list goes on.
We started to notice recurring problems our clients were having. We were constantly working extra to overcompensate for our clients overwhelm and lack of focus. They were wearing so many hats they struggled to focus on what really mattered most which was serving their customers. We knew we could help them better and faster if we could stop being a service provider who allowed our clients to tell us (the branding and marketing experts) what they needed. We were just a puzzle piece of the whole picture, at the mercy of business owners who were just “winging it” when it came to their branding and marketing process. They were directing us and other service providers and then pulling all the pieces together for less than professional results.
They would hire a copywriter, web developer, graphic designer, photographer, or worse try to do a lot of it themselves. Then try and pull it all together in a cohesive way. It was never cohesive and it was never effective. We were tired of wasting our time and passion allowing our clients, (who were pros at something entirely different than branding, marketing, and design) to be in the driver’s seat and in charge of our process.
We needed to create a system that captivated our perfect client so that we could help them build a cohesive, effective brand from the ground up that would set them apart from their competition and set them up for effortless marketing. When your brand is rooted in meaning, your marketing efforts are natural and simplified. Less is more. We took a step back and decided to build an effective system our clients could afford. We followed our own process and the ROOT SYSTEM was born!
It worked for us, our client’s businesses, and It will work for you.
Here’s what it did for us… When we made the decision to change the way we ran our business, everything changed for us, our business, and our clients. We were finally able to utilize our talents and get the results our clients so desperately needed.
By digging deep and figuring out exactly what was causing our clients overwhelm in their business we were able to tweak our process. We were being approached by our clients who needed a marketing system built yesterday. They were already overwhelmed and we were trying to utilize their haphazard brand elements to create an effective marketing system fast. Not possible.
We figured out what was possible. FOCUSED planning and execution. To get fast results we changed our process. Instead of managing 5o clients a month, we now manage a handful of clients per month. They book their planning session (PLANT + PRUNE) and then they book their execution date (HARVEST) and we focus on only that client until their system is built.
We began helping our clients figure out how they can tweak their process, along with their messaging and overall branding. The results were OUT OF THIS WORLD!
We will build a cohesive, meaningful brand from the ground up quickly. This includes a logo, and style guide with fonts, colors, and an overall brand personality that is aligned with your community so they take notice and take action
Craft an irresistible offer and sales page
Build a lead generation system that’s simple and easy to manage
Build a website to house your offer, sales page, and lead generation opt-in
Design and print your tangible branding and marketing collateral such as business cards, flyers, signage, and/or packaging
If for some reason you’re not totally excited with STEP ONE, your curated Master Plan results, there’s no obligation to continue with HARVEST, step 2 of THE ROOT SYSTEM. As you can see we want to make it a no brainer, low-risk decision for you.
Curious if the ROOT SYSTEM is right for you?
Schedule a 30-Minute Complimentary Mini Strategy Session.
We've flipped the design process on its head
When you book a HARVEST package you are booking your LAUNCH DATE. In order to implement your plan precisely when you need it, we have flipped the typical design process on its head. No more guessing when your business will start generating cash flow. This is your Action Plan EXECUTED. HARVEST executes your entire brand, from developing the strategy & messaging through designing and building the website, logo, business cards, and marketing collateral and system. Let’s get the job done right and let’s get it done right away so you can do what you do best, serve your customers.

✦ Your brand's positioning and messaging
✦ Logo + complete brand identity system
✦ Business cards, letterhead, marketing materials
✦ Responsive website that works on every device
✦ Written copy for website and marketing
✦ Evergreen lead generation marketing system
All designed, built and launched by the end brand intensive.
Curious if the ROOT SYSTEM™ is right for you?
Curious if the ROOT SYSTEM is right for you?
Schedule a 30-Minute Complimentary Mini Strategy Session.